East Glasgow Music School aims to make music lessons accessible for children whose families would otherwise struggle to afford them. As a registered charity, we rely heavily on grants from charitable trusts and our own fundraising to cover our running costs.
We’re always happy to hear from volunteers who are able to help with various tasks throughout the year – from selling ceilidh tickets and collecting raffle prizes to helping with funding applications. Work on applications to various trusts and grant awarding bodies to help fund Music School is ongoing throughout the year. We gratefully acknowledge funding received from The Robertson Trust, The Hugh Fraser Foundation, Dr Guthrie’s Association, Society of Deacons & Free Preseses, JTH Trust, Tunnocks, Foundation Scotland and Glasgow City Council Area Budget Funding.
If you have any experience – or just have lots of enthusiasm, a little time to spare and a wish to help! – please contact Michelle on
Other ways you can help
• Sign a Gift Aid declaration – if you are a UK taxpayer we can claim back 25% of your donations and parental contributions from the Inland Revenue
• Set up a Standing Order to make a regular donation to us
• Choose us as your workplace charity of the year
• Take part in a challenge event and raise money for us
• Donate prizes for our Christmas and Summer raffles
• Help us to research suitable charitable trusts and complete application forms
• Ask us to speak at your community or church group to raise awareness of East Glasgow Music School.
If you would like more information on any aspect of our fundraising, please contact Michelle on